As 2022 draws to a close, we're looking back with appreciation for a significant year of adventures while we share some of our favorite unique and humorous headlines and stories of the year, and take a break from the invasive cycle of "everyday" news and events.
A huge thank you to all of our Friends In Wonder across the globe as we travel together on this planetary spaceship!!! -- Joe Luther and Vince Kern
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Joe Luther
Welcome to another episode of Friends in wonder, where each week we explore topics we believe are relevant in today's culture. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and share it with your friends. I'm Joe Luther.
Vince Kern
And I'm Vince Kern. Now let's explore and wander together.
Well, it's the end of the year at friends in wander and we are going to continue wandering right until the end of it. And we've got an episode today that is going to talk a little bit about our experiences over the year. And also, for me, this has been a time where I really take a break from the news cycle and sit back and observe things. But also try to find things that are a little more fun and interesting. And I think you're kind of doing the same, Joe.
Joe Luther
Well, yeah, we thought that we certainly had the opportunity to take this week off because from what our research has shown is that most podcasters take the week off in between Christmas and New Year's but we thought wouldn't it be fun to maybe do a year and review with some interesting news stories from 2022 from around the world? And maybe also a couple of quick reflections about our own personal year of 2022.
Vince Kern
Yeah, cuz even though we had the opportunity cleared out most podcasters, are we? Well, we're always wandering and we can't stop wandering. So we thought we would give you one more episode this year. And we hope you enjoy some of our look back on our personal things. It's been a pretty significant year for you, Joe, you had a major event in your life.
Joe Luther
Yeah, I guess it would be an understatement to say that the big thing in my year was the heart surgery. And of course, we ended up covering that in a kind of a time capsule recording, which turned into an episode really of my thoughts leading up to heart surgery. And then we did a secondary episode after that.
Vince Kern
We had to tell everybody how it went, and how are you doing?
Joe Luther
Right, because we didn't want to leave people hanging. But yeah, look, that was a big part of my year, because there were months leading up to it. And months after it that you know, I was totally focused on that. And, you know, gratefully, you and I had started the podcast project, this podcast project, prior to really me even knowing that I was going to get surgery. So there was that, and I gotta tell you events, it was very good to have that going on in my life, while I was dealing with this, because we all I think we all need something to kind of nudge us forward. And knowing that we had more podcast episodes to get out and meet me. Very excited to get on with my recovery. So yeah, that was a big part for me, what would you say the big part of your 2022?
Vince Kern
Well, I gotta I gotta step back a little bit and give you credit, give you kudos for how you went through your experience there. And I think the podcasts really reflect reflect that those two that we didn't really, like you said didn't intend to be podcast, but they're actually getting pretty good play. And that was a pretty significant part of my year as well. Dealing with the emotion of of a friend that you've known for close to 60 years. You know, you've been through everything together. And then this, this, this very harsh reality, that, you know, that smacks you in the face and smacked you in the face probably in a very different way than it smacked those who love you in the face. But I gotta give you kudos for the way you went through it and only missing a couple of weeks in the studio. You were like right back in there. So yeah, that was that was a pretty significant part of, of our friends in wonder experience. And other than other than that, you know, I had a little bit of good travel this year, went to Sanibel Island with my lovely wife for in April and we had some good friends from Traverse City, which is up at the northern part of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. It gets pretty harsh winters up there so they were down there for a month and I had tell you Sanibel Island is just a beautiful place. I'm so glad we got to experience that. Unfortunately, Hurricane II in September did a pretty good job of running right through the middle of that island.
Joe Luther
Yeah, that was the epicenter sadly
Vince Kern
very, very sad about that. I had you know, some good time in Minnesota, which is a beautiful, beautiful state when you get to some of the northern and western parts and and lots of good time up at our Family place up north, which you know well about because you and our great friend Paul, and I sort of do an annual trek up there for I get to open up the cottage and we get to do a lot of hiking and we get to sit on the shores of Lake Superior, which is where that place is at. And it's one of the most beautiful places I think either one of us have ever been.
Joe Luther
Well, yeah, there's there's nothing like the tranquil yet powerful energy that you get from the big lake. They call Gitchigumee. But you had a really interesting trip up to the up one one time this summer. That was that was in May, wasn't it?
Vince Kern
That was the first trip. Yeah, I went up on a Friday. And you guys were coming up on a Monday. And I went up because we had some reference. Yeah, that was on it. And, of course, quite a quick synchronistic series of events led me to be in basically, a tornado went right by my car. And it started out with a flat tire, which was an unusual experience, because Spirit had been telling me that the journey itself was going to be an adventure. And, you know, when you get that message, my brain went to thoughts of all beautiful birch trees and spring and, and all the beautiful things that nature has to offer us. And then
Joe Luther
elk running and fields, all that kind of good. Yeah,
Vince Kern
not a flat tire in the middle of nowhere. And I 75 Where you're literally 20 miles away from a city. But the state trooper came along and helped me out. And I recall my last words to him. And I'm going to tell his story, because I'm gonna try and connect a few of these really crazy dots that, you know, spirit puts you in places, and then teaches you things and then takes you out of danger. And I really believe that's what happened here. But the last thing I said to this state trooper was, Well, I'm sure you've had an interesting day and I hope that you know, the he had been involved in a crash where a lady was drunk at noon and crashed into a tree. And you know, he was telling me about as well I hope that's the craziest thing you have to endure. And lo and behold, a few hours later, the tornado struck the city of Gaillard. Now, there aren't a lot of tornadoes in northern Michigan, I gotta tell you, and there are no sirens because they they, they cost too much money for the number of tornadoes that they have. But I drove on and went to Gaylord because that was the nearest place to get my tire fix. And they said, well, it's Friday, and we're very busy. But we'll take your tire and it'll be a couple hours, well, couple hours turned into two or three hours. And so I basically spent my afternoon sort of looking at the weather and there was a storm front blowing through and CO lo and behold, make this long story short, I was literally the last car out of Belle tire before a few minutes before the tornado struck. Now they didn't have sirens. But they did have those phone warnings. And most of the people up there, just ignore them because they just don't get tornadoes. And so I left it was pouring rain, it was nuts. And I was sitting in a light my car began to shake violently. I looked over to the left and there was the Wizard of Oz tornado with wolves literally flying around the outside and debris everywhere.
Joe Luther
Any women riding bikes in there.
Vince Kern
I didn't. I didn't see anybody riding bikes,
Joe Luther
I'm sure. I'm sure. And I gotta tell you, I was concerned about other things.
Vince Kern
Well, it's interesting what your mind goes through, you kind of go into another universe, literally. And you know, my first thought was, oh, I gotta take some pictures of this being the journalist you had to Yeah, and I rolled down my window and I thought, Oh, this is stupid, because you know, things are bouncing gonna be bouncing off my car. It wasn't that bad. And I I mean, as far as things bouncing off my car, but it did shake violently. And I looked over in the tornado past probably 1000 feet to my, to my left. Now this tornado. Two people were killed and a bunch injured. It had a 17 mile path, it wound up being a 17
Joe Luther
mile pass. So that means that touchdown and spun like a funnel for 70 miles, creating whatever devastation that does, I can't imagine. Yeah,
Vince Kern
yeah. And I got to see it, hear it, feel it and, and escape it. And
Joe Luther
well, what I remember most about that story, after seeing you that weekend, is that all the series of events that led up to you being in that spot at that time, and I maybe it sounds cliche, because it always takes a series of events for us to be in any position that we're at. But there were so many strange unusual, like you said the flat tire and a couple other oddball things that happened that made you be in that spot at that time. And I think you were you were Having some, you know, an interesting time processing why that learning experience was put in front of you. And it was quite a quite an eye opening experience, I'm sure.
Vince Kern
Yeah, there's there's a lot going on in your body spirit in mind when, when you observe something like that, and, and, you know, just thank God for the first responders and people who handle that stuff. I think I had maybe a little bit of survivor's guilt for a little while and process that and, and, and then, you know, it's funny, you said, we were talking earlier, you said that, you know, you think back about your heart surgery, it's like feels way in the past, you don't even think about it sometimes. You know, I don't think about this much. But when it does come up, it definitely is pretty significant.
Joe Luther
Yeah, in both those kind of near life, altering life ending experiences, cause you to be more grateful for what you have. And, and, you know, we did an episode also on gratitude. And I would say that 2022 is a year of gratitude for me. But there's also some interesting stories that happened in the world, Vince. Yeah, yeah, we go through, why don't we go through some of the stories of some
Vince Kern
fun, Joe, some of this is pretty fun. And, you know, I've got a couple of things here, I'll start off, and then maybe you can share what you found in your meanderings and wonderings I know you like to travel a little bit. And sometimes you and your lovely wife, Sonia hit the road in your car and travel to warmer climates in the winter. And I think I know you're going somewhere in January, but I think you might also be planning a little trip later on. So I thought it would be good because you know, I'm always looking out for you, my friend. And, you know, you kind of gotta be careful out there when you're in other states, cuz things are a little different. And so I thought, what I do is find some laws that I can prep you with, if you go on your road trip, and just sort of help you, you know, be aware of some of these things. Wait, since
Joe Luther
this is since there's stories about 2022 years saying these are laws that are currently on the books in 2022?
Vince Kern
Yeah. Aware of Yeah, yeah, you know, me I like to chunk the hell I like to jump the outline, I thought this was pretty significant. So and others people need to know about these two, because, you know, our listeners are all over the country. And so Alright, so if you're going to Utah Joe, which probably isn't a warm climate, but
Joe Luther
we are. Okay, we do Enya.
Vince Kern
Well, there you go. So just know that it is illegal not to drink milk in Utah. All right. Yep, that's, that's
Joe Luther
not to drink milk.
Vince Kern
That's what it says. And first of all, let me say that I'm not making this stuff up. This is from a law at some trial lawyers. website. It's free wild law. They're in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They have a staff of six attorneys and six support staff. So these are legitimate laws that they are saying are still on the books and I don't think they would promote these if if they weren't legitimate attorneys. So
Joe Luther
the internet minutes I got it. That's right.
Vince Kern
That's all you need to know. It's true. So I know you've been to Alaska before I don't know if you plan to go back but if you do just know that it is considered an offence to push a live moose out of a moving airplane. You can't do that. That's that's on the books. That's a law.
Joe Luther
There's there's a law that did not need to be written but apparently they thought it did.
Vince Kern
Well, that's the other thing. You know, you're an attorney. So I'm very interested to hear your legal opinion on some of these if you are so inclined. Sticking with animals, if you go to South Dakota, which here is a beautiful place, that's one state I don't think I've been to know horses are not you can't go to the fountain in with horses unless they are wearing pants. And I wear the fountain in is, but if you go there sounds like a very prudish area where Yeah, probably. Now if you go to North Dakota, and I've been in North Dakota, it's illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on. I'm wondering Joe what what would an attorney think of that? Why might that be the key my
Joe Luther
brain is trying to process what they would be thinking it's illegal to take a nap outside with your shoes that
Vince Kern
it's easy to lie down and fall asleep I suppose anywhere with your shoes on. So I wonder if you know, hotel monitors are the lead on.
Joe Luther
I don't know what to do with it. But I do think the world needs more bare feet in it. So I guess I'll go along with it. Maybe not up in North Dakota though.
Vince Kern
Well, this is one I find hard to believe that they have an amended because in Texas it's illegal to make to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing
Joe Luther
I'm in Texas. So they want you sitting down while you're drinking, I guess, I don't know. Or maybe maybe if you're standing up drinking beer, you're more likely to get in a fight. Like, I just don't understand.
Vince Kern
Texas baby. Now of some of these laws that you find that are still on the books are church related. So if you go to Nebraska journal, and you go to church, which probably are two unlikely things right there in the near future, but you never know, if you find yourself in Nebraska. Oh, and if you happen to have a child with you, and it burps you can be arrested, the parent can be arrested
Joe Luther
for raping children in church. We don't tolerate that in Nebraska.
Vince Kern
Nope. No,
Joe Luther
I know. I can see the wisdom in that too.
Vince Kern
You know what you can't do in a church in Alabama?
Joe Luther
Drink milk.
Vince Kern
I don't know about that. But it is illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church.
Joe Luther
Well, somebody must have violated that rule a couple
Vince Kern
of take their seriousness and religion is very serious down there in Alabama. And you know, mustaches are apparently they were the source of a lot of criminal activity back in the day, because in Iowa, they're illegal if the bear has a tendency to habitually kiss other humans. I guess it's okay to have a tendency to kiss like dogs or horses wearing pants or, or other things. But if you have a tendency to habitually kiss humans in Iowa, don't wear a mustache.
Joe Luther
Oh my goodness. Well, that is some some interesting laws and the books in 2022.
Vince Kern
I gotta tell you my favorite one before you before we ramble on to other things. My favorite one of all time is that, and I don't know if I ever would be at a funeral in Massachusetts. But are you ever? If you ever go to a funeral in Massachusetts while you're on your winter road trip? You cannot eat more than three sandwiches at awake.
Joe Luther
That's really a law. Come on. I'm gonna recess. I'm gonna have to look up this website. I think somebody, I think somebody was just goading you into quoting them on a podcast and this is going to blow up in your
Vince Kern
you think I'm on some mushrooms possibly to believe in that crap. All right, let me go to an actual psycho tropics. Yeah, speaking of like a tropics. Here's my favorite news story of 2022. I'm back in the back in the theme. Now my favorite news story of 2022 comes from the Detroit News. My former employer written by a woman at the Washington Post, allegedly a purveyor of all the No they're not all the news that's fit to print their democracy dies in darkness. But oh my but yeah, well, that's the that's the theme. So here's the headline, please.
Joe Luther
Backup. What is their theme democracy dies in darkness? I believe so this way pose? Yeah. Oh, and what they're saying is if we don't have the light of truth out there, democracy dies. Right? Go along with it. It's just a very dark way of saying it, I guess.
Vince Kern
Well, you know, exactly. And that's what makes this article so credible and important in today's world. So because you know, psychotropics are big Ayahuasca is becoming a really, what do I want to say? Popular experience for people very new agey? Yes, exactly. So along those lines, apparently some people the headline is here, please stop licking psychedelic toads. The National Park Service warns their warning they sent out a warning in November to visitors to refrain from licking the large Sonoran Desert Toad as they try to reach a state of hallucinogenic enlightenment from the point from the potent toxic that the animals naturally create, secrete. So these toads also known as Colorado River toads, have prominent parathyroid glands that secrete a potent toxin, as we may say, with most things, whether it's a human being slug unfamiliar mushroom or a large Toad, with glowing eyes in the dead of night, please refrain from licking.
Joe Luther
Wow. So people are going out into the national parks with a specific purpose of finding toads to lick. Well, yeah, very interesting. That's 2020 to
Vince Kern
one way to get near buzzin. You know, like I told you before, when we were 17 If you'd have told me that you could get pot delivered to your house. I would say how far have we come but
Joe Luther
in some states like Michigan You can Yeah,
Vince Kern
but I don't know that I'd ever want to pick up a toad and, and and lick it.
Joe Luther
More Oh NACA to try it man.
Vince Kern
Right don't judge Sorry. Didn't mean to judge those of you who have been licking toads, please contact us at talk at And tell us about your experience.
Joe Luther
Well, seriously though, I mean, I think micro dosing and didn't at least one state has made mushrooms illegal
Vince Kern
and probably Colorado. Yeah, they make everything pretty much there. Yeah.
Joe Luther
But anyhow, I mean, certainly there's a push towards all of this enlightenment via chemicals. So
Vince Kern
yeah. Alright, so here's one that's a little bit lighter for you. And this is this would be the last one I will imbue you with. So, you know, you know me as a journalist, I always listen to police scanner, and I still do because I like to know what's going on around me. And it's often often, you know, interesting, their job, you learn a lot about what they deal with. But here's a story from London from SOHO. Apparently, there was an art gallery there. And this woman had went one of the, what do you call the people in our galleries that the curator, curator, the curator, her name is Hannah. And she's Hannah was working in the gallery. And she had just locked up and gone upstairs to make a cup of tea. She came down to find the door off its hinges in to confuse police officers. So it turns out that London Metropolitan Police were responding to a call about a person in distress at the gallery on the 25th of November. So this happened pretty pretty recently, officers forced entry to the address where they uncovered that the person was in fact, a mannequin.
Joe Luther
Well, it must have been a very realistic man.
Vince Kern
Yeah, in fact, it was the work was commissioned by a guy named Steve Lazar rowdies banks these forms for you to say, yeah, there you go. Banks. He's former agent, though. So it was a lifeless woman that that they had been trying to save. Let's see, she was slumped over unconscious over a table with her head in a bowl of soup. And they couldn't see your face. Also, apparently somebody passing by thought that this person was in distress and called the police.
Joe Luther
Well, it's good to know there's people out there looking out for those inside of stores or art galleries that could be in distress.
Vince Kern
nosiness equals safety sometimes, doesn't it? Apparently, this isn't the first time it happened. In October, paramedics were called to assist the woman as well. So there you have it. There's some of my wonderings for the year.
Joe Luther
Well, Vince, that was very enlightening and very much a snapshot into the way your brain thinks when we talked about when we talked about grabbing some stories from 2022. That's what you came up with? Well, here's a window into my brain, I guess. You know, the first thing that I noticed that I thought was interesting, and maybe isn't so funny, but is worthy of wonder. That is that in 90 and 2022 rather, Merriam Webster's word of the year, is gaslighting.
Vince Kern
Hmm, apparently is a lot of that going on. Word of the Year
Joe Luther
is gaslighting. And I don't know it took me it's interesting, because I think over the last couple of years, it's been used a lot more and more and I had to try to understand what it even means. Apparently, it goes back to some play in 1938 That was then adapted into multiple movies, and has to do with a husband who is trying to make his wife believe that she was insane. By Dimming the lights in you know, gas lights in the house, and anytime that she thought that they were dim, he's like, no, no, they're as bright as always. And I guess gas lighting is the big word of 2022. And rather than go into all the reasons why I just think that's a really interesting state of affairs. You know, that's, that's my Wonder Man is is why gaslighting and you know gaslighting is defined, among other things in Merriam Webster's book of definitions as the act of the act or practice of grossly misleading someone, especially for one's own advantage. And,
Vince Kern
anyhow, state statement on our where our culture is today isn't
Joe Luther
that's the word of the year and do with that as you please. Here's another interesting story to do with it. Yeah, right. Exactly. Well, just duly noted, I guess duly noted about this, a South American couple earns the war. old record for nearly 100 body modifications.
Vince Kern
Oh my. Yeah. 100 body modification. Yeah,
Joe Luther
South American couple with over 98 body modifications earned a world record for their collective number of piercings, micro dermals. Body implants and other modifications, according to Guinness Book of World Records. You know, I think Guinness is just out there encouraging people to do crazy things. Not saying listen, this is not a judgement zone, but but we do have a picture that we're going to post as part of this episode of this couple. But anyhow, the couple from South South America, have 50 piercings, 850 piercings, eight micro dermals 14 body implants. I don't know what that could be.
Vince Kern
Could it be like something sticking out of your shoulder? Like?
Joe Luther
Probably? Yeah, it could be your butt cheek? I have no idea. Five dental implants for ear expanders. I mean, more. To ear bolts. Not sure what that is? One forked tongue. I think I could figure out what that is. And they both have also had their sclera as sclera Leras. The white part of their
Unknown Speaker
eyes tattooed? The white part of their eyes tattooed? Yep. The Daring pair
Joe Luther
who had been married 14 years first met at a motorcycle event 24 years ago, and bonded over their own Shaunt for body model.
Unknown Speaker
Wow. Hey, honey, what
Vince Kern
do you want to do this weekend? Well, let's have my arm and move it to my leg.
Joe Luther
You know, it's interesting. I really truly have no judgment about it. But it's just funny what a what a wide spectrum. There are people who like that, and then people who absolutely would never do anything to their to their body as it was born. So anyhow, there's that out there in 2022. Here's an interesting kind of a feel good story. I think it's a field that story is an interesting one anyhow, do you know the doctors in four Canadian provinces have been approved to begin prescribing a year long paths to national parks?
Vince Kern
Yeah, so another reason to move to Canada?
Joe Luther
Exactly. Canada, the Canadian healthcare system has found that it's important for people to get out into nature. Yeah, currently, more more and more studies are finding that a variety of mental health problems, including those triggered by climate change, or eco anxiety, can be effectively treated by spending time in nature. Studies have also found it can also reduce chronic stress, improve birth outcomes, and even help children succeed in life.
Vince Kern
So that makes a lot of sense. So the
Joe Luther
parks Canada's backing in over 1000 healthcare professionals in the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Manitoba can now prescribe a parks Canada's Parks Canada discovery pass worth over $70 to a patient. I think that's getting your priorities in order seriously, you talk about the best kind of medicine out there. I am very grateful to hear that Canada is leading that charge. So
Vince Kern
indeed. And you know what, Joe? What Windsor is south of Detroit. Yes. Fight with Germany says in their song. There is no South Detroit, but there is Windsor and Windsor is in Ontario. And there's a lot of doctors there that could maybe prescribe us that.
Joe Luther
Yeah, I like it. So there's that. Yeah, I like that. And let's see, the only other really interesting story I found that you know, I would always get attracted to in that is this idea of UFOs and other worldly beings. I think it's worth noting that in 2022, the Pentagon established an agency or an office to keep track of UFO sightings. Wheat, the brand new all domain anomaly resolution office, or the acronym AAA R. O, has received several 100 reports of unidentified flying objects since July. According to the AP. The office was created over the summer to monitor instances of UFOs in the Sky, Space and underwater. It also tracks objects that can transverse between one domain and another. These UFOs are officially referred to as unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAP. According to the Department of the fence. Now I just think that's fascinating it for years, people have been called crackpots for viewing or saying that they've seen UFOs. And now we've got the Department of Defense, seemingly embracing it. And part of the reason they did it is military personnel, especially pilots have seen so many strange things, and have been afraid to come forward with it. And, and now they're doing something about it confused as UFOs. So we've got all this going on up there. But we've got an agency out there deciphering between the UFOs and hypersonic missiles that are being launched by China in the United States. So we've got that. Well, I'm glad to
Vince Kern
hear that they're actually listening. And what I'm hearing from you is that so many reliable sources are reporting these things. And I did see a clip recently where a military guy was saying that the most interesting thing happens below the water surface. And that that's a sort of a new phenomenon. But I got two things to say to that. I'm glad that they're now taking the word of experts because every time I talked about it, and told them how the probes have improved over the years, they I just get labeled a crackpot, like you said, and here's another thing I saw, I think you were labeled
Unknown Speaker
a crackpot before that before I
Vince Kern
would before I got taken up, all right, well, maybe. But here's something I read once and it's a quote that sticks with me it says it says disavowing that aliens have visited us or are around us is like taking a spoon and dipping it into the ocean and saying that they don't exist. That because there's no whales in your spoon. They don't exist, or something like that.
Joe Luther
Yeah, that's a good one I like and that I think, as we're learning from the new James Webb Space Telescope, the universe is a lot bigger than we ever imagined. Oh, my goodness.
Vince Kern
And just things bring him back. Send him back. Hey, I
Joe Luther
do have one last story kind of ending this year and podcasts go on with a bang. Very happy note on a very happy note. Once endangered humpback whales are growing in population globally. Thanks to conservation efforts, efforts. Back whales were almost entirely wiped out by commercial whaling in the 19th and 20th century, and quartered, according to the Endangered Species coalition, and were one of the first species to be federally protected under the Endangered Species Act. However, due to amazing global conservation efforts, the current global population of humpback humpback whales has rebounded from a low point of 10,000. Back to nearly 80,000, as of 2022. Wow. God bless it. I mean, it makes me want to cry to think that they could go extinct, but the fact that they're coming back strong like this gives me a lot of hope.
Vince Kern
Me too, because their brains are bigger than ours. And allegedly, they can use a lot more of theirs than we can of ours. And I think there's a lot to learn from Wales.
Joe Luther
Yeah, I think their ability to live symbiotically may be better than hours. I'm not sure.
Vince Kern
Yeah. That'd be Well, I think we've prepared the listeners well, for 2023. Joe. Yeah, if anybody's traveling any of those states that I mentioned, beware of those laws. If you want to email me, I'll give you the at talk at friends in I'll give you the full list of laws from all the states.
Joe Luther
If anybody wants to be in the Guinness Book of Records. You gotta get up to about 110 About
Vince Kern
suffocation. Yeah, 110 years since. Well, Joe, it has been a great year. And I totally, totally agree that 2022 has been a year of gratitude. We have so much to be grateful for. We have those who listen, I'm so grateful for you. And just grateful to be on the spinning around the Sun at 17 and a half miles a second.
Joe Luther
Absolutely event couldn't have said it better myself. A year of gratitude. What a great way to end it. And I really have enjoyed this process with you, sir. So Happy New Year.