Send us a text Do you ever wonder how media and corporate interests shape our political landscape? Join us on this special edition of the Friends in Wonder podcast as Vince Kern and Joe Luther reconnect to delve into Joe's passionate involvement in the Kennedy campaign in Michigan. Joe, an attorney with a rich background in political science, shares his motivations and experiences as a volunteer coordinator, underscoring his belief in the candidate’s integrity and dedication to transparent po...
Send us a text Following an unexpected break after a raucous Season 1 wrap-party lasting three days and causing them to miss last week’s show, The Friends In Wonder crew have been released on bail. While their sentence was reduced to community service because the judge and jury loved the podcast and wanted them out for a second season, FIW was ordered to take a break and develop even more and better shows. Never ones to run afoul of the law before, Joe and Vince humbly accepted t...
Send us a text Have you, or someone you know, been wondering about visiting Mexico but aren’t sure if it’s safe or a complicated international experience? Are you looking to add some culture to your winter getaway and maybe enjoy new activities like world-class snorkeling, visiting ancient ruins and sampling authentic local cuisine? Or are you simply wondering what the tourist experience is like in Mexico during the winter months of 2023? This episode provides the information you need ...
Send us a text Have people told you "You should write a book," or "You should publish your art?" Is that little voice inside you asking the same question? Do you just need that final inspiration and guidance to share your gift with the Universe? Even if you don’t have a “book inside of you,” you’ll be inspired by Donna Zetterlund’s adventure as she balanced her art and work life to become a self-publisher. You'll be uplifted and connected to the innate human desire to share our gifts....
Send us a text Have you heard friends and relatives gush about online services like 23andMe and that analyze your genetic data and return information about your health and family ancestry? Have you seen commercials or videos featuring happy stories of people uniting with lost family, or ones they didn’t even know existed? Have you already used one of these services but now wonder if it was a mistake? Whether you're familiar with these services or not, have you consid...
Send us a text Are you like most people who are worn-down by the constant bombardment of bad or controversial news? Could you use a break from the feelings of isolation and tension that often come with tuning into most news and media today? This episode will rejuvenate you with a much needed dose of positive and interesting news and help reconnect you to worthwhile world events. Vince and Joe use their sense of wonder to describe six recent and interesting news items featuri...
Send us a text Do you want to spend less time being triggered by the overload of bias and incivility that surrounds us all? As the obvious partisanship in mainstream and social media increasingly reflect an echo chamber flooded by re-tweet Kool Aid, are you wondering how to help make it better? As part of a nonscheduled series, Joe and Vince share how they realized their own personal bias by looking at how a cognitive theory known as the Dunning Kruger effect is part of their life, and ...
Send us a text Have you heard the amazing news about the lightning-fast development and deep investments into Artificial Intelligence tools like ChatGPT? Have corporations promoting these new tools, and society in general, considered the many cultural and human implications? Have you? Joe and Vince have taken a deep dive into the recent explosion of news about AI and Chat GPT and bring you a comprehensive look at what AI is, its current uses and wonder about where the future will...
Send us a text Got a minute? That's all this week's message will require. Peace be with you! Friends In Wonder Joe and Vince We welcome and value all feedback, comments or suggestions for future topics. Please feel free to share with us at: or at We welcome, value and appreciate all feedback. Please feel free to share your comments or suggestions for future topics at: and visit to rate, revie...
Send us a text Turnabout is fair play, and this week Joe puts Vince in the interview seat to chat about how his journalism career intersected with the technology revolution in the newspaper industry. The internet-driven information explosion dramatically changed the news distribution strategy as the product went from the front porch to our smartphones and tablets. Vince was part of a team that led the changes, for better or worse. #DigitalRevolution #Newspapers #GlimpseOfVince #...
Send us a text Until 2000, Canada had nothing similar to CarFax, the popular US vehicle history report company. But then, a small group of partners ran into a problem while importing vehicles to the US. In this episode, one of those partners -- co-host Joe Luther -- shares the captivating story of his most financially prosperous business venture. It's an entrepreneurial adventure about recognizing the need for a product in a challenging market and having the commitment, resilience, and ...
Send us a text To kick off 2023, Joe and Vince unpack and pay tribute to Don Miguel Ruiz' seminal book, The Four Agreements as the author recovers from his second heart transplant surgery. Since 1997, millions of readers in 46 languages have enjoyed this New York Times Best-Seller and have adopted its agreements to improve their lives -- Friends In Wonder among them. Listen as we explore the human domestication that begins at an early age and how to break free of limiting and self-destructive...
Send us a text As 2022 draws to a close, we're looking back with appreciation for a significant year of adventures while we share some of our favorite unique and humorous headlines and stories of the year, and take a break from the invasive cycle of "everyday" news and events. A huge thank you to all of our Friends In Wonder across the globe as we travel together on this planetary spaceship!!! -- Joe Luther and Vince Kern We welcome and value all feedback, comments or suggestions for futur...
Send us a text In this seminal episode Joe and Vince interview renowned shamanic healer and teacher, Scott Silverston. The discussion sets out to explore how everyone can access and work with power animals, but evolves organically into a more comprehensive overview of shamanic journeying, self-healing, and why shamanism is so important in today's modern society. We submit that this is an episode worthy of downloading and savoring as a gift to anyone who wants to learn more about t...
Send us a text This episode features a great interview with author Brian Sachetta, whose mission is to help people "Get Of Their Head" to reduce harmful (and often self-inflicted) negativity, anxiety and depression. Listen as the hosts examine why so many of us needlessly suffer from this negative-self-talk and explore strategies to help quiet the noise. Their guest also describes his unique approach to this topic and his self empowering methods to help everyone improve their ment...
Send us a text PART 2 : Join Joe and Vince "on the street" as they wonder about how true and accurate generational labelling is in today's complex culture. This episode is packed with strong opinions from a large and diverse demographic about their thoughts on the "generation divide," and explores how the theme of work ethics across generations are perceived. It also includes some positive insights people have and some closing thoughts from Friends In Wonder. We especially welcome and i...
Send us a text PART 1 : Join Joe and Vince "on the street" as they wonder about how true and accurate generational labelling is in today's complex culture. This episode is packed with interview feedback from a large and diverse demographic about their thoughts on the "generation divide" and if and how people identify with the labels for themselves and others. We welcome and value all feedback, comments or suggestions for future topics. Please feel free to share with us at: talk@friendsinwon...
Send us a text Happy Thanksgiving to the Friends In Wonder community! This week, Joe and Vince take a bit of time to reflect on blessings the FIW podcast has brought them. They also discuss "gratitude journaling" and that anytime or any way one moves into gratitude is perfectly fine! Thank you, Friends In Wonder listeners, for being part of this journey with us. We are, indeed, grateful for you! We welcome and value all feedback, comments or suggestions for future topics. Plea...
Send us a text Don't miss this interview with a man who has become a local legend in the San Diego Padres' Press Box! Steve Dolan holds the longevity record for active news media covering the Padres and was there for the team's first World Series in 1984 against Detroit and every playoff appearance since. In this energy-packed interview, Dolan shares some of his insights, stories and lessons from being around professional sports for over 50 years and opines on some of the big changes co...
Send us a text Vince and Joe wonder why the election results were still incomplete a day after the polls closed. Do the lingering incomplete results create an environment of doubt for the process and encourage grievances for the loser while diminishing the victor? Are mail-in ballots the problem and what can we do to make it better for everyone? We welcome and value all feedback, comments or suggestions for future topics. Please feel free to share with us at: or at...
Send us a text Death effects us all, and therefore so does dealing with the grief. But getting from suffering the loss of a loved one to "grieving in gratitude" and celebrating life is tough. Does our modern Western approach to death and grieving interfere with the process? Can we embrace grieving in a different way? Let's talk about it this very difficult subject and wonder together. We welcome and value all feedback, comments or suggestions for future topics. Please feel free to sha...
Send us a text Welcome and thank you for stopping by! In this introductory trailer (updated after 14 episodes) co-hosts Vince Kern and Joe Luther discuss what motivated them to create the Friends In Wonder podcast. Listen as these two life-long friends describe how they met as young boys in the late 1960's and maintained a shared sense of wonder and awe as they pursued successful careers. They further explain their podcast goals, some of the feedback they’ve received and invite yo...
Send us a text In this episode Vince and Joe examine the deep and ancient tradition of Yoga through a fascinating interview with their highly-qualified guest, Chris Briney of the Center For Iyengar Yoga. Listen in as they tackle questions like: What is yoga? What is its history and importance in today's culture? What are some of the common misconceptions of yoga? How is yoga more than just striking poses? Is there anyone who wouldn't benefit from yoga?frie...
Send us a text THIS WEEK WE TACKLE: Vaguely written ballot initiatives -- how (or why) does THAT happen?The difficulty of researching ballot initiativesWho is behind the "business of balloting" and the hundreds of millions spent to get initiatives on the ballot?Using the internet to help make voting easierWe welcome and value all feedback, comments or suggestions for future topics. Please feel free to share with us at: or at Ballot creating r...
Send us a text THIS WEEK WE TACKLE: What is "Safety First" and how does thinking about it help us?Are we being conditioned to sacrifice happiness for "safety?"How does our "fight or flight" DNA apply today?What is the balance between living safely and a well-lived life?Special thanks to Charles Eisenstein for shedding light on this and inspiring discussion. We welcome and value all feedback, comments or suggestions for future topics. Please feel free to share with us at: talk@friendsin...
Send us a text THIS WEEK WE TACKLE: Free Speech: What is it and why is it so important?Is freedom of speech absolute? The importance of protecting and promoting dissenting viewpoints.How is free speech eroded?Why are people afraid to buck the mainstream narrative?We welcome and value all feedback, comments or suggestions for future topics. Please feel free to share with us at: We welcome, value and appreciate all feedback. Please feel f...
Send us a text THIS WEEK WE TACKLE: Why is local news so important?Does our democracy depend on the existence of local news?Is Facebook and self-publishing "news" an existential threat to accountable local news?A close-up look at a successful local news organization in Batavia, New York.What can be done to fill the growing void in local news?WITH SPECIAL GUEST: Howard Owens III, longtime journalist, corporate media executive and now owner and publisher of The Batavian in Gen...
Send us a text This episode shines an interesting light on many issues that some people might not consider when thinking about hunting. With the fall, comes hunting season and the inevitable debate about the ethics of hunting. This week, Joe and Vince tackle the perceptions and realities of hunters and the many ways they support conservation and the balance of the ecosystem. They also discuss the spiritual aspects of hunting, including a popular and poetic clip from Chris Pratt. ...
Send us a text Michigan is now one of three states that have approved digital license plates for automobiles. What are they? What are the benefits and, more importantly, the possible pitfalls? Listen as Vince wonders with Joe through his many concerns about whether adding this technology for vehicle license plates is something consumers need or want. We welcome and value all feedback, comments or suggestions for future topics. Please feel free to share with us at: talk@friendsinwonder...
Send us a text In this episode Joe and Vince interview Paul Tetreault of BoxCar Advisory. Paul is an accomplished business executive who is also a strategic business coach. He helps business leaders and management teams work more effectively as a team. Listen as they explore how this service not only helps to improve the objectives of the business but also to help the leaders and employees grow and thrive as individuals. They also discuss how businesses can utilize thi...
Send us a text After deciding to publish as a podcast Joe's initial description of his preparation for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) surgery, Vince and Joe decided to also record this post surgery podcast. Listen to this candid Q and A between co-hosts and life long friends as Joe describes the day of surgery, his stay in the hospital, and the first few weeks of recovery from this major surgery. We welcome and value all feedback, comments or suggestions for future topics. Please...
Send us a text This was not originally intended to be a podcast episode. It began as an impromptu request by cohost Joe Luther to cohost Vince Kern to help him create a kind of "time capsule" recording for Joe to describe and preserve his state of mind just a few days before his open heart bypass surgery. After recording and listening to it they decided that this very real and authentic description of Joe's preparation for such a significant surgery might be of value for others to...
Sometimes, cosmic events remind us how connected we are to the Universe even if we aren't observing or paying attention. In this Wandering Wonder, Joe makes an extraordinary effort to be part of 2022's rare Planetary Alignment. While the news reported it was only 5 planets aligned, our Friend In Wonder discovered there was far more than that aligning when he later researched it on his app "SkyView." Listen to his wonderment and then if you'd like to learn more about the phenomenon that won't occur again until 2040 click on the link below.
Send us a text Part riff, part wonder, Joe and Vince talk about how we might be domesticated by our roles to be right and want to let everyone else know we're right, too! And these days, we are more divided than ever. Do we really have the full picture because of our profession, family position, degree and lifelong adventures? Is there such a thing as critical thinking? How do we navigate those times when opinions and viewpoints are running rampant? Can we turn the division into meaningful li...